Legal Basis
(Where Sentence Time Owed PRS)
Formula for a post-release supervision violator that did not receive a new term and was revoked and restored to parole supervision but the sentence time owed is greater than the period of post-release supervision.
For determinate sentenced only: Enter FMAX in the PHT field; leave the ERD, PHD, and PE fields blank.
For determinate and indeterminate mix cases: Do not change the PE, PHD, PHT, or ERD fields.
To compute the adjusted maximum expiration date, subtract the date released from the Maximum Expiration date to arrive at the Sentence Time Owed. Then subtract the Parole Jail Time to arrive at the sentence net time owed. Then add the adjusted post-release supervision maximum expiration date and then subtract the period of post-release supervision to arrive at the adjusted sentence maximum expiration date.
To compute the Adjusted Post-Release Supervision Maximum Expiration date, subtract the Delinquency Date from the Post-Release Supervision Maximum Expiration date (PRSME) to arrive at the post-release supervision time owed. Then add the date restored to parole to arrive at the Adjusted Post-Release Supervision Maximum Expiration date.